Saturday, July 5, 2008

Teaching Links...3 websites.

3 websites...

When we talked about student generated rules, I was a little unsure about how this would actually translate in the classroom.  I thought this website and lesson plan was thorough and seems effective in terms of how to have students generate classroom rules....
This particular lesson plan is geared towards the older end of the elementary spectrum (grades 5 and up), but similar modifications could make it appropriate for younger grades. 

This website provides 5 minute fillers, to prevent the class turning into chaos when the lesson plan or day provides extra unplanned for time.  Some are foolish, while others are easy and could probably be filed away and used off the cuff.
I like the education world website in general, so some browsing around may reveal other useful sites. 

A friend who is teaching (with Teach for America) was forced to change her bulletin boards monthy, amongst the other 1000 things she had to do.  This website has photos of bulletin boards for months, seasons, and subjects which may be helpful to 'reference' (copy?) when we start thinking of changing/doing bulletin boards.  


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